Sunday, September 6, 2009

What is it?

What is it?

Luekemia is a cancer that affects blood forming cells. This cancer starts in the bone marrow and spreads quickly into other parts of your body. Both children and adults can develop luekemia and there is really no way to prevent it. Today there is kemothearpy that you can go through but the chance of you living with this disease is very slim! My cousin had luekemia, he got it when he was three and he lived until he was five. That was when getting luekemia was knew and kind of rare. Now you live longer then two years if you catch it when it starts not when you have had it for about a month or two. Researches dont really know what really causes this disease but researches say smoking is about 20% the cause of it. There are different types of luekemia that amount different things. There is chronic, acute, myelogerous, lymphocytic these are in all different spots in your body as well. Some symptoms of luekemia are fevor,infections,excessive bruising, fatigue, weight loss, excessive bleeding.


  1. Susan, that was a good start on your blogging. It's really sad to hear your cousin died because of this disease. I never knew that and ive been friends with you for awhile. Keep up the good work!

  2. Discussing your cousin is a powerful move for this post. I wonder if you could do more with his story here or later. Work the hyperlink into your text. Is this where most of your research comes from? Watch making silly spelling mistakes.
