Sunday, November 8, 2009

stop global warming

I learned that even if we would stop emitting greenhouse gases today the temperture would still increase by a degree or two. Scientist are saying what we do will either let it stay at only raising a degree or two or if we dont stop letting is raise up to ten degrees. There are other cause for global warming but the biggest cause is the greenhouse gases so if we can stop emitting them into the earth we would be helping the planet alot! We could also not use our cars and walk everywhere that would help alot to but people these days are not willing to do things like this to help better the planet!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

What is global warming doing to our polar regions?

I think this picture really illustrate the fact that the ice is melting and making smaller pieces. The ice is how the animals move around they reley on the fact that the ice can hold them. Now they are not so sure so its harder for them to capture food.
This picture is by google images!
What is global warming doing to our polar regions?

Global warming is making the average tempature in the artic areas rise, which is then leading to the melting of glaciers,ice bergs. When the glaciers and ice bergs melt it will cause flooding. Flooding can cause millions of people to become homeless because there houses got flooded. Also global warming affects the animals who live in the polar regions because with the ice melting it is making it harder for animals to hunt and catch food.