Sunday, September 20, 2009

Who is at risk?

Who is at risk of getting leukemia?
A risk factor is something that increases your risk in getting a something. Some risk factor for leukemia are smoking or even being around somone who is smoking. Exposure to high levels of radiations is also a risk factor. Example people who were around the atomic bomb in Japan during world was 2 have higher risks of getting certain kinds of leukemia. Exposure to chemicals such as benzyme and formakdehyde, people who are around these chemicals have higher risk of certain types of leukemia than others. The places where you would be around these chemicals would be at a work if your work deals with chemicals be extra careful cause they are a risk factor.
I found a video on youtube and it was about a boy named Gavin and he had leukemia and someone put a slide show of picture throughout of hs joruney with leukemia and at the end it says that they are lucky that he is still alive. The way they put this together is amazing the music choice they used was perfect to they pictures and to the situation.


  1. Susan where you still sleeping when you wrote this? Make sure you read over your blogs there is a couple of miss spelled words. Oh have you read the book 1000 paper cranes, I think thats the name but its a really good book about at young Japaniese girl with leukemia.

  2. I also found a few spelling mistakes, but other than that good job. You have a lot of information in your blog. The video was perfect for your blog!

  3. You had lots of details on this topic, which is good because it makes it more interesting. The video tied your blog together perfectly. Other than the spelling errors you did a really good job. I can't wait to find out more.

  4. As a mother, I could barely watch the video but made it to the end. A powerful tool to include in your post.
